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Re: Fwd: st: Illustrate SRS in a graph

From   Maarten buis <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: Fwd: st: Illustrate SRS in a graph
Date   Mon, 20 Sep 2010 07:49:29 +0000 (GMT)

--- On Fri, 17/9/10, Richard Ohrvall wrote:
> Just an additional small question, is there some way that I can
> extract all the proportions and their lower and upper bonds
> from the simulation by using some sort of loop? I have made it by
> repeating the code for each group, i.e. [x:1], [x:2] and so on. But to
> make the code a bit leaner when I have many groups I assume there is some
> way to loop this, but my tries with -foreach var- did not work
> well. Any suggestions?

If you want lean code and accomodate many groups, you'll have to make
the loop work. Here is one example, it still contains a loop, only now
outside the simulation program.

*------------------- begin example --------------------
program drop _all
program define sim, eclass
   // create population
   drop _all
   set obs 10000
   gen x = cond(_n <=  500, 1, ///
           cond(_n <= 5000, 2, 3))
   // draw a 1% sample without replacement
   sample 1
   // estimate the proportions and return the results
   proportion x
   matrix b = e(b)
   matrix V = e(V)
   local df = `e(df_r)'
   ereturn post b V
   ereturn scalar df = `df'

// repeat this 20 times and store the results in a dataset
simulate _b _se df=e(df), reps(20) : sim

//graph the results
gen sample = _n
forvalues i = 1/3 {
    gen lb_`i' = x_b_`i' - invttail(_eq2_df,0.025)*x_se_`i'
    gen ub_`i' = x_b_`i' + invttail(_eq2_df,0.025)*x_se_`i'
twoway scatter sample x_b_1               || ///
       scatter sample x_b_2               || ///
       scatter sample x_b_3               || ///
       rcap lb_1 ub_1 sample, horizontal  || ///
       rcap lb_2 ub_2 sample, horizontal  || /// 
       rcap lb_3 ub_3 sample, horizontal  xline(.05 .45 .5)
*-------------------- end example --------------------------------

Hope this helps,

Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen


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