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st: RE: Is there a quick way of customizing linear interpolation?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Is there a quick way of customizing linear interpolation?
Date   Thu, 22 Jul 2010 18:45:48 +0100

-ipolate- with -if- is, I guess, not the answer here. I think you can
hardly include all you want and exclude all you want. 

A better answer is 

1. -ipolate- any way. 

2. Identify spells of missing values and reverse the -ipolate- of
missings for spells of three or more missings. -tsspell- from SSC is one
tool for this. 

You explain your problem clearly but don't say much about your data. 

How to use -tsspell- from SSC for #2 depends on your set-up. Here are
three examples. 

(a) Data are in sequence, but no time variable or panel identifier. 

gen long time = _n 
* continue with code for (b) 

(b) A time variable is defined, but no panel identifier. 

tsset time 
ipolate oldvar time, gen(newvar) 
tsspell , cond(missing(oldvar))
egen length = max(_seq), by(_spell) 
replace newvar = . if length > 2 

(c) A time variable and panel identifier. 

tsset id time 
by id: ipolate oldvar time, gen(newvar) 
tsspell, cond(missing(oldvar))
egen length = max(_seq), by(id _spell)
replace newvar = . if length > 2 

See also

1. -cipolate- and -csipolate- from SSC. 

2. dm0029  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Speaking Stata: Identifying
        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  N.
J. Cox
        Q2/07   SJ 7(2):249--265                                 (no
        shows how to handle spells with complete control over
        spell specification

(FYI, "wanna" remains valleyspeak, not correct English!) 

[email protected] 

Halit Akturk

I am a Stata 11 user. Is there any way to customize ipolate command in
Stata in a quick way? I like to do linear interpolation but I have a
constraint. I like to fill in the missing observations as long as the
missing observations happen at most 2 times consequtively. For
instance, say I have the following data where "." stands for missing
1, 4, 5, ., 7, ., ., ., 9, ., ., 15.
The usual Stata's ipolate gives: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9,11, 13,
The ipolate will fill in all of the missing observations. I don't
wanna do that. I like to fil in the missing values as long as they are
at most 2 observations consequtively. So the customized linear
interpolation (which is what I am looking for) should give me the
following result:
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, ., ., ., 9, 11, 13, 15. I hope I explained what I am
looking for well.

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