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st: RE: FW: Using regex to identify strings with capital letters

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: FW: Using regex to identify strings with capital letters
Date   Wed, 26 May 2010 19:41:55 +0100

Not true of my Stata: 

. di inrange("erik in lower case", "AA", "ZZ")

I think -- you've heard this before -- we need to see your code and some
your results, not your speculation about what might be happening. 

[email protected] 

Beecroft, Erik (VDSS)

I tried Nick's suggestion, pasted below, but inrange does not seem to
distinguish between lower and upper case.  In other words, the statement
below keeps all observations that begin with two letters, whether
capital or lower case.

Nick Cox 

You don't need regex for this. 

... if inrange(substr(myvar,1,2), "AA", "ZZ") 

should be enough, or even "AK" to "WY" or whatever it is. (Remember this
is an international list!) 

From: Beecroft, Erik (VDSS) 

I need to extract certain observations from a series of text files.
Each file contains only one variable, which is string.  The
observations I want all begin with two capital letters. (They are state
abbreviations, such as VA or AK).  The other observations do not begin
with two capital letters.

Is there a way to tell Stata to keep only observations for which the
variable begins with two capital letters?

It seems like the regex function might work, but I have never worked
with regular expression syntax before.  

For example, a portion of a text file might look like:
	VA department of Social Services

I want to keep only the third observation above.

I am using Stata for Windows 10.1.

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