Sorry; I was unclear about my goal. I only want to output some of the
variables, since I have a large number of other covariates that I
don't want to report. For example, consider this modification of
Maarten's example, where I want to prevent outreg2 from exporting
coefficients on all of the rep78 fixed effects:
*-------------- begin example ---------------------
sysuse auto, clear
tempname myfile
regress mpg i.foreign##c.weight i.rep78 headroom
outreg2 i.foreign##c.weight headroom using `myfile', see
*---------------- end example ---------------------
The -outreg2- command here will generate an error, whereas the
following command will work fine:
outreg2 headroom using `myfile', see
Thank you very much.
On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Roy Wada <[email protected]> wrote:
>> this is in Stata 11.) Do you know if there's any workaround so that I
>> can choose specific factor variables and interactions to include in my
>> outreg2 output?
> It's not clear what you typed into Stata. If you can replicate the
> error using -sysuse auto- and send us what you typed, then that would
> be helpful.
> Roy
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