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Re: st: argument with digits after decimal point?

From   Eric Booth <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: argument with digits after decimal point?
Date   Fri, 1 Jan 2010 00:49:55 -0600


Apparently, you don't need to create the macro "ci2", just replace "ci" with a rounded version of its self to shorten the code I gave earlier,  so:

sysuse auto

* --------------------------
cap program drop test22
program define test22
 syntax [, ci(real 95)]
di  "before rounding: "  "`ci'"
local ci : display round(`ci', .01)
di  "after rounding: "  "`ci'"
 set level `ci'
* --------------------------
* --------------------------
test22, ci(99.9)
* --------------------------

~ Eric

Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754

On Dec 31, 2009, at 7:55 PM, Eric Booth wrote:

> <>
> Dirk:
> A couple of issues here.  
> #1 Realize that there is already a program -test- in Stata, so you need to either change the name or -drop program- test before running your code.
> #2 When you ask Stata to capture the real number in ci(99.9), it  captures the real number "99.90000000000001", not "99.9", which is what the -set level- command doesn't like, so it give you the error.  See the results of running your program with -set trace on- below:
>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------- begin test ---
>  - syntax [, ci(real 95)]
>  - set level `ci'
>  = set level 99.90000000000001
> level() can have at most two digits after the decimal point
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- end test ---
> So, you need to round `ci' before passing it to the -set level- command.  I'm not a Stata programmer, so I don't know if there are better ways of doing this in a program, but here's one way that worked for me  (NOTE:  I changed your program to "test22" to avoid issues I mentioned in #1 above):
> ***************
> clear
> sysuse auto
> * --------------------------
> cap program drop test22
> program define test22
> syntax [, ci(real 95)]
> di  "before rounding: "  "`ci'"
> local ci2 : display round(`ci', .01)
> local ci = "`ci2'"
> di  "after rounding: "  "`ci'"
> set level `ci'
> end
> * --------------------------
> * --------------------------
> test22, ci(99.99)
> * --------------------------
> ***************
> #3 Finally, the -syntax- help file indicates that there is already a pre-built option in there for grabbing the confidence level.  There might be other reasons that you want to capture it in the `ci' macro, but if not, you might try substituting in the -ci(cilevel)- option:
> ****************
> clear
> sysuse auto
> * --------------------------
> cap program drop test22
> program define test22
> syntax [, ci(cilevel)]
> set level `ci'
>  di "`ci'"
> end
> * --------------------------
> * --------------------------
> test22, ci(99.9)
> * --------------------------
> ******************
> ~ Eric
> __
> Eric A. Booth
> Public Policy Research Institute
> Texas A&M University
> [email protected]
> Office: +979.845.6754
> On Dec 31, 2009, at 6:46 PM, Dirk Enzmann wrote:
>> Why does the following program not work as intended?
>> * --------------------------
>> program define test
>> syntax [, ci(real 95)]
>> set level `ci'
>> end
>> * --------------------------
>> It is an example of a program that allows the optional argument "ci" to specify the confidence level (the default should be 95). It works as intended as long as I don't specify "ci" with digits after the decimal point. But if I do, for example
>> * --------------------------
>> test, ci(99.9)
>> * --------------------------
>> I receive the error message "level() can have at most two digits after the decimal point". What am I doing wrong, i.e. how can I avoid this problem?
>> ***************************
>> Dirk Enzmann
>> [email protected]
>> *

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