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RE: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command

From   Roy Wada <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: -foreach-, local macro, -split- command
Date   Tue, 8 Sep 2009 16:45:40 -0700

> It would be great if I could get all the information that is displayed
> with the display command into unshared variables.
> David Torres

It seems what you are trying to do is terribly inefficient, and 
I would not do it this way, but -logout- will chop up lines into 
separate variables provided it is first placed into an external file.
I was not aware of -split- at the time but it does a similar thing.
It looks like the current version is not unwrapping texts correctly, 
so you should use a really small font in the results window (right-click, 
and choose the font size of 1).
sysuse auto, clear
set logtype text
levelsof make, local(lev)
cap log close
log using mylog.txt, replace
foreach l of local lev {
 di `"`l' "' _c
log close
logout, use(mylog.txt) clear
keep if t2~=""
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