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st: Kaplan meier graphs

From   sarah keys <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Kaplan meier graphs
Date   Thu, 5 Feb 2009 11:50:52 +0200

Kaplan meier graphs

I am using a multiple record data set. and have Stset as below:

stset date_visit if chc!="", enter(all) fail(chcstop) id(client_id)

*** and had the final cox model:
xi: stcox age bffa i.w50s

I produced KM graph with the following commands:

sts,by(group) fail ylabel(0 0.05 0.1) risktable
graph export chc.emf, replace

My questions are:
Can I adjust the KM in the same way as the COX model (adjust by age
bffa i.w50s)to compare group 1 and group 2?
How do I cut off KM at, say, 4 years follow-up ?
Thanks for help
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