I agree.
When I am an author, I am amazed at how obtuse most reviewers are.
But when I am a reviewer, I am amazed at how sloppy most authors are.
[email protected]
Kieran McCaul
>>>As for Stas's comments, I wholeheartedly agree that the reviewer in
question is not much of a reviewer.
I publish in medical journals and it is still the case that many medical
journals do not employ statistical reviewers. Consequently you can get
reviewers comments on the statistical analysis that are idiotic or
frankly bizarre. Often my colleagues (medical doctors) will want me to
simply do what the reviewer wants in order to get the paper published
thus turning a good paper into a bad paper (I wonder how often this
happens), whereas my response is to say "No, the reviewer is an idiot
and it is our obligation to point this out to them". Heated discussions
usually follow.
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