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st: filling in weekend dates

From   "Mingfeng Lin" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: filling in weekend dates
Date   Thu, 19 Jun 2008 10:26:30 -0400


Is there a way to create new rows and then fill in weekend dates
automatically in Stata? For instance, I have a series of stock prices,
and Jan01-Jan05 are Monday-Friday, and weekend dates are not

Jan01 100
Jan02 102
Jan03 110
Jan04 101
Jan05 111               /* <= This is a Friday */
Jan08 121
Jan09 152
Jan10 132

What I want to do is to "insert rows", say Jan06 and Jan07, such that
they take on the value of Jan05.  The only way I can think of is to
create this series of dates in Excel, then import to Stata and merge
it, and then use [_n-1] to replace the missing values.  But is there a
more straightforward way? I have a bunch of these files with different
date ranges and it's really inefficient.

Many thanks for any suggestions you can provide.

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