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Re: st: Graph Quality in Latex
Or you can export directly to PDF (--as(pdf)--), which gives perfect
results when using with pdflatex.
To obtain good quality with pdflatex I export as eps and convert to
pdf, using a command like:
graph export "box.eps", as(eps) preview(off) replace
Then I use:
\includegraphics[viewport=0 0 500 500]{box.pdf}
\caption{Boxplots of shares and prices}
in my LaTeX source.
Carl Nelson ([email protected])
---- Original message ----
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 21:06:02 +0200
From: "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
Subject: st: Graph Quality in Latex
To: <[email protected]>
Dear Listers,
I am wondering whether there is a way to improve on the poor
that png graphs achieve when compiled with pdflatex. Does anyone
know which
graph type (must be available in Stata 10) performs better in this
I am not fussy when it comes to such issues but what I currently
get is not
really presentable...
Thanxx in advance,
Martin Weiss
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