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Re: st: Problem with xtmixed

From   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Problem with xtmixed
Date   Wed, 4 Jun 2008 09:15:35 -0700

Noori Akhtar-Danesh <[email protected]> is having difficulty getting
-xtmixed- to match -xtreg- and -gllamm-.  When running -xtmixed-, Noori
types the following:

   . xtmixed  birwt male ... pretri2 pretri3 || momid, mle

and the resulting estimation is having difficulty converging.  Noori has
simply omitted the colon after the group identifier -momid-, causing
-xtmixed- to interpret the above as

   . xtmixed  birwt male ... pretri2 pretri3 || _all: momid, mle

an entirely different (and somewhat nonsensical in this case) model, hence
the failure to converge.


   . xtmixed  birwt male ... pretri2 pretri3 || momid:, mle

(with the colon after -momid-) will achieve the desired result.

Noori is not the first to be bit by this insidious bit of syntax.  The
original intent of providing a shortcut has proven in this case to not to be
worth the confusion it may cause.  As such, a future version of -xtmixed-
will require explicit specification of the level group identifier with the
colon, and issue a syntax error otherwise.

[email protected]
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