alessia matano <[email protected]>:
The ref cited elliptically in
Takeshi Amemiya
"Two Stage Least Absolute Deviations Estimators"
Econometrica, Vol. 50, No. 3 (May, 1982), pp. 689-711
which proves consistency of that model (2SLAD) for the structural
parameter \beta which determines the conditional mean of y = X\beta.
That's the conditional mean, not median. I.e. not the usual
interpretation of LAD in terms of quantile regression; see e.g.
Koenker and Hallock 2001:
If you have survey data, read Stas K.'s refs in
So I guess I need more info from you as to what data you've got and
what you want to estimate before I make any claims about
On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 12:17 PM, alessia matano <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Austin,
> first thanks for your answer. I also found some of these articles to
> read that could be useful, and I will do that. of course. I also found
> out an answer in an old stata faq about the same problem where a guy
> was suggesting the procedure below. What do you think about it?
> sysuse auto, clear
> program bootit
> version 8.0
> // Stage 1
> regress price foreign weight length
> predict double phat, xb
> // Stage 2
> qreg mpg foreign phat
> end
> bootstrap "bootit" _b, reps(1000) dots
> thank you
> alessia
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