Is there a way to capture data, that is similar to r(varlist)?
For example I have found repeated ID's in 1 dataset of which I want to delete from 5 datasets.
The code to find these for example:
egen tag=tag(id)
tab id if tag==0
id�������� Freq.��� Percent Cum.
4��������� 1��������� 25.00��� 25.00
9��������� 2��������� 50.00��� 75.00
21������� 1��������� 25.00��� 100.00
Total���� 4��������� 100.00
I would like the data 4, 9, 21 to be captured in a macro to be used later (i.e., to delete from other datasets).
I am using Stata 10 on Dell intel duo.
Jason Ferris, BPsych(Hons) MBiostat
Research Officer
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society
Level 1
215 Franklin St
Melbourne VIC 3000
P: 61 (0)3 9285 5282
F: 61 (0)3 9285 5220
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