Jeph Herrin wrote:
I'm trying to understand why the followin SMCL produces
not one but TWO page breaks, when the postscript translator
is applied:
{com}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}
{com}{sf}{ul off}{newpage}
{com}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}
All I'm doing is writing the {newpage}, but apparently
opening and closing the log file produces the other tags.
Jeff, how are you producing the log file?
With any of the three types of -display- (nothing, -_asis- and -in smcl-) in
either of the two do-files below (logged from a called program or logged
directly from the do-file), the PostScript file produced from the SMCL
directives above only has at most a single page break, i.e., has one or two
pages in total when read by GSview (Version 4.8 on Windows XP Pro, SP3).
Joseph Coveney
Log created from within a called program:
clear *
set more off
program define printem
version 10
syntax , LOGfile(string) [type(string) REPLACE]
capture log close
quietly log using "`logfile'.smcl", smcl `replace'
display `type' "{smcl}"
display `type' "{com}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}"
display `type' "{com}{sf}{ul off}{newpage}"
display `type' "{smcl}"
display `type' "{com}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}"
quietly log close
foreach type in nothing _asis "in smcl" {
printem , log("`type'") ///
type(`=cond("`type'" == "nothing", "", "`type'")')
translate "`type'.smcl" "`type'.ps"
Log created directly in a do-file:
clear *
set more off
capture log close
quietly log using nothing.smcl, smcl replace
display "{smcl}"
display "{com}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}"
display "{com}{sf}{ul off}{newpage}"
display "{smcl}"
display "{com}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}"
quietly log close
translate nothing.smcl, replace
quietly log using _asis.smcl, smcl replace
display _asis "{smcl}"
display _asis "{com}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}"
display _asis "{com}{sf}{ul off}{newpage}"
display _asis "{smcl}"
display _asis "{com}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}"
quietly log close
translate _asis.smcl, replace
quietly log using "in smcl.smcl", smcl replace
display in smcl "{smcl}"
display in smcl "{com}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}"
display in smcl "{com}{sf}{ul off}{newpage}"
display in smcl "{smcl}"
display in smcl "{com}{sf}{ul off}{smcl}"
quietly log close
translate "in smcl.smcl" "in", replace
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