Dear all,
I am creating a map using the great user-written ado-file spmap.
However, I have a small problem. I am using the following code:
spmap var1 using "geo_kor.dta", id(id) fcolor(Greys2) clmethod(custom)
clbreaks(0 30 40 45 50 100) legend(symy(*2) symx(*2) size(*2) position
(10)) legorder(lohi)
The class breaks are where I would like them, but I would like the
first class to include all values up to, but not including, 30. The
default is that the value 30 will be included in the first class
(0-30). Is there some way to change this so that observations with
value 30 on var1 will be included in the second class (30-40)? I have
looked in the help for spmap, but I could not find any solution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
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