or then
margeff, dummies(d*)
because he said "D are all dummies for which you want to calculate the marginal
> effects" not B.
Joao Lima
2008/4/22, Eva Poen <[email protected]>:
> I cannot reproduce your problem using the auto data (see example
> below). Btw, it's unlikely that you have literally typed -Margeff,
> dummies (B *)-. Instead, you probably wrote
> -margeff, dummies(B*)-.
> Also, you said "D are all dummies for which you want to calculate the marginal
> effects". The option -dummies- does not mean that marginal effects
> will be calculated only for these variables. The option ensures that,
> for the process of calculating marginal effects, only one of the
> dummies will be set equal to 1, while all others are set to 0.
> If you send the exact code of your ologit model and the margeff
> command to the list, people will be more likely to help.
> Eva
> ** example
> sysuse auto, clear
> tab headroom, gen(hr) /* create dummies */
> ologit rep78 foreign hr1 hr2 hr3 hr4 hr5 hr6 hr7
> margeff, dummies(hr*)
> ** end of example
> 2008/4/22, [email protected] <[email protected]>:
> > Dear users,
> >
> > My question is following one: I do not know how to calculate average
> > marginal effects (AME) for categorical variables with more than two
> > categories?
> > In my ordered logit model, I have a dependent variable with 4 categories
> > and 5 categorical explanatory variables, 3 of them with more than two
> > categories. I tried to implement the method of Tam�s Bartus which is
> > decribed in his article "Estimation of marginal effects using margeff"
> > (2005). His suggestion is to use the following command:
> > Margeff, dummies (B *)
> > where D are all dummies for which you want to calculate the marginal
> > effects.
> > The problem is that by trying to do this I got the following error:
> > "[_cut1] not found" r(111)
> >
> > I would appreciate very much any suggestions.
> >
> > *
> > * For searches and help try:
> > * http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
> > * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
> > * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/
> >
> *
> * For searches and help try:
> * http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
> * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
> * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/
Joao Ricardo Lima
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/