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Re: st: True batch mode
OK; following Sergiy's 1st suggestion, here's a Windows .BAT script that
works. It is called with one argument - the .do file to run (if no
extension, defaults to .do). It requires the -log- command shown below
as the last line of the source file, if you need an exit code.
@echo off
:: Batch file for Windows Stata that waits until the job is done
:: If there is a Stata error, an exit code of 1 is returned.
:: Correct exit-code behavior requires that the last statement
:: in the input .do file be:
:: log using c:\temp\stata_check.smcl
:: The drive, path, executable name may need to be changed in the
:: line below, depending on your installation.
set STATA="c:\Program Files\Stata10\wstata.exe"
if exist c:\temp\stata_check.smcl del c:\temp\stata_check.smcl
start "dummy title" /w %STATA% /e do %1
if not exist c:\temp\stata_check.smcl (
echo There was an error - see %~dpn1.log for details
exit /b 1
del c:\temp\stata_check.smcl
exit /b 0
Russell V. Lenth, Professor
Department of Statistics
& Actuarial Science (319)335-0814 FAX (319)335-3017
The University of Iowa [email protected]
Iowa City, IA 52242 USA http://www.stat.uiowa.edu/~rlenth/
Sergiy Radyakin wrote:
On 4/9/08, Russell V. Lenth <[email protected]> wrote:
When I try to run Stata in batch mode on Windows...
DOS> wstata /e do testfile.do
... it runs in the background, returning a new DOS prompt before the job is
done. That's fine if I'm doing it manually, but I want to run Stata as part
of a process, and the next step needs Stata to be finished creating its
output before it starts. I suppose I could have Stata write some new file
at the very end, but then if there's an error, that file will never get
written. Ideas?
Depends on the skill level:
1. start /w ........
/w = /wait
DOS>delete file_marker
DOS> wstata /e do testfile.do
// --- testfile.do ---
capture do another.do // capture will ensure we return back to write
the marker
write file_marker
// --- end of testfile.do ---
put your program into another.do
3. CreateProcessEx(lcExe,lcCommandLine,lcStartDirectory,;
4. ShellExecuteEx(LPSHELLEXECUTEINFO lpExecInfo);
Both 3 and 4 are very similar and converge at one point to the same
thing. Which one to use is a matter of convenience.
5. if none of the above is ok, I can suggest other variants
Best regards, Sergiy Radyakin
[BTW, the context here is Windows, version Stata/IC, but I need to extend to
other platforms. e.g., looks like maybe this isn't a problem on Linux --
just don't put an ampersand?]
Russell V. Lenth, Professor
Department of Statistics
& Actuarial Science (319)335-0814 FAX (319)335-3017
The University of Iowa [email protected]
Iowa City, IA 52242 USA
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/