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Re: st: Multiple Imputation (was Analyzing NAEP Data in Stata)
Thanks for the references, Rodrigo. The easiest way to install -mim-
might be to type, in Stata:
net from http://people.bu.edu/ralfaro/stata/
net install mira
On Apr 9, 2008, at 11:08 AM, Rodrigo Alfaro A. wrote:
As Brian your message did not capture the attention of the users.
As Steve pointed you have to work with multiple datasets generated
by some multiple imputation procedure. I changed the subject to
capture the attention of more users... many of them are not related
with education but they are with the statistical procedures that
you need.
About your question: Rubin (1987) provides simple rules for
combining the results on different dataset. There is a very good
information on those formulas and more at http://www.stat.psu.edu/
~jls/mifaq.html. You will note that it is "good" to know the
procedure that generated your datasets. Schafer (1997) suggests
consistency between the imputation-model and the analysis-model.
For example, if in the imputation-model you controlled by family
characteristic but in your analysis you could not omit those vars.
About code: The -mim- command is simple to use, but I think that
requires to have all the data in one dataset. For huge datasets it
is better to run the procedures in each dataset and combine the
results after. I wrote a small code to run any kind of regression
in that way, you need http://people.bu.edu/ralfaro/stata/mira.ado
and http://people.bu.edu/ralfaro/stata/mira.hlp. You will note that
it is easy to implement the Rubin's rules. You could get some of
them by using loops over the dataset!!
I hope this helps you and other members could provide you more
information on the topic.
Rubin, D.B. (1987) Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys.
J. Wiley & Sons, New York.
Schafer, J.L. (1997) Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data.
Chapman & Hall, London.
-----Mensaje original-----
De: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
[email protected]] En nombre de Steven Samuels
Enviado el: Mi�rcoles, 09 de Abril de 2008 10:35 a.m.
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: Re: st: Analyzing NAEP Data in Stata
I'm not familiar with NAEP, but a search on 'imputation' may lead
you to a Stata solution. The -mim- command prefix looks most
On Apr 8, 2008, at 11:30 AM, Bob Fitzgerald wrote:
I would be interested in hearing from any list member who has used
Stata for NAEP student-level analyses.
The NAEP student data (National Assessment of Educational Progress),
are collected during a large national assessment conducted about
two years in the U.S. NAEP items are constructed using IRT methods,
and the item selection is based on a matrix sample. The NAEP data
contain five plausible values for each response.
I found an earlier request from Brian Jacobs http://www.stata.com/
statalist/archive/2003-06/msg00505.html but no substantive replies to
his post. I am hoping that the increased availability of NAEP data
since 2003 may be associated with an increase in the number of
researchers using Stata to analyze these data.
Many thanks.
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