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st: stset interval truncation and gaps in duration format

From   "Hugh Robinson" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: stset interval truncation and gaps in duration format
Date   Mon, 7 Apr 2008 19:29:21 -0600


I am using Stata for the first time, trying to analyze cougar survival

I'm not sure if I am using stset properly with regards to animals with
gaps in their telemetry record (I used snapspan to convert radiotelemtry
data into a duration format encounter record).  In a single "event"
column I have coded capture==1, location/observation==2, and
mortality==3.  Animals were added in a staggered entry design over the
duration of the study from Jan 1 1998 to Jan 1 2007.  I've tried the
stset command below.

 stset date1, id(lion_id) failure(event==3) enter(event==1) exit(time
d(01Jan2007)) origin (time d(01Jan1998))

I would like Animals that were not located for more than 90 days to be
treated as "gaps" and coded their reentry as a second capture
(event==1).  My problem is Stata finds the earliest "enter" event and
calculates t0 from there (example below).  

Can someone tell me how to allow gaps with this kind of duration format?


lion_id loc_method event date 	date1 	date0 	_st	_d 	_t
F71	Capture	1	25/2/2003	25-Feb-03	.
F71	VHF Aerial	2	17/3/2003	17-Mar-03
25-Feb-03	1	0	1901	1881
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.
.	.	.
.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.	.
.	.	.
F71	VHF Aerial	2	7/4/2003	7-Apr-03	4-Apr-03
1	0	1922	1919
F71	VHF Aerial	2	10/4/2003	10-Apr-03	7-Apr-03
1	0	1925	1922
F71	VHF Aerial	2	16/4/2003	16-Apr-03
10-Apr-03	1	0	1931	1925
F71	Reencounter	1	6/2/2006	6-Feb-06
16-Apr-03	1	0	2958	1931
F71	VHF Aerial	2	13/2/2006	13-Feb-06	6-Feb-06
1	0	2965	2958
F71	VHF Aerial	2	19/2/2006	19-Feb-06
13-Feb-06	1	0	2971	2965

Hugh S Robinson Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Wildlife Biology Program
College of Forestry and Conservation
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59802
(406) 243-4128

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