Do you realize you're generating many variables with -xi- in each
iteration of the loop?
Do you want something like the following?
xi: i.age i.educ i.educ*age i.educ*age2 i.educ*age3 i.educ*age4
forv i=94/102 {
logit yr00 _I* [pw=ihwt] if year~=`i'
predict pyr00 if e(sample), p
gen rw00=ihwt*pyr00/(1-pyr00)
sum yr00 pyr00 rw00 if year~=100
drop pyr00 rw00
Also the -sum- command is unweighted--is that what you intended?
On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 3:24 AM, <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am trying to replicate a loop that runs well and fast in SAS, but is very
> slow in STATA on my machine.
> Perhaps someone will spot some awkward piece of code in the following?
> many thanks for your attention,
> [email protected]
> set memory 700m ** couldn't do better than 700M
> version 10
> use r2f3_glm.dta, clear
> local i 94
> while `i' ~= 103 {
> xi: logit yr00 i.age i.educ i.educ*age i.educ*age2 i.educ*age3 i.educ*age4
> [pweight=ihwt] if year~=`i'
> predict pyr00 if e(sample), p
> gen rw00=ihwt*pyr00/(1-pyr00)
> sum yr00 pyr00 rw00 if year~=100
> drop pyr00 rw00
> local i = `i'+ 1
> }
> exit
> proc logistic data=one(where=(year ne 100)) descending;
> class yr00 educ agedum;
> model yr00=agedum educ educ*age educ*age2 educ*age3 educ*age4;
> weight ihwt;
> output out=temp1 predicted=pyr00;
> run;
> data temp1;
> set temp1;
> rw00=ihwt*pyr00/(1-pyr00);
> *
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> *
> *
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