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st: RE: totals by dpto, sex et al.

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: totals by dpto, sex et al.
Date   Thu, 28 Feb 2008 12:28:58 +0100

Unless I am missing something, there is no question here to answer to. If
there was one, it would be helpful to have it framed in terms of a dataset
shipped with Stata so that the list can relate to your problem...

Martin Weiss

Diplom-Kaufmann Martin Weiss
Mohlstrasse 36
Room 415
72074 Tuebingen

Fon: 0049-7071-2978184




-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Sebastian Kruk
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 12:13 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: totals by dpto, sex et al.

Dear statlist users,

I'm computing totals by departament, sex, etc, depending of survey's year.

Next is program:

*fabrico c85
*fabricacion de b85

local i=1991
while `i' < 1997 {
	*Preparacion del archivo con las proyecciones
	insheet using "D:\utiles\trimestrestodos.csv", clear
	keep if anio==`i'
	drop v*
	sort agegp e1 trimestre
	save D:\utiles\using`i', replace
	*Uso archivo del INE
	*uso archivo del IEcon
	*use "d:\personas\p`i'.dta", clear
	*use "D:\utiles\p95.dta", clear
	*drop  aniosed-lp02
	*ren nivel pe141
	*ren finalizo pe15
	*keep pe* pobpcoac pf* pg*  ph* pt1 pt2 pt3
	use d:\personas\p`i'.dta, clear
	ren pe3 e2
	ren pe1c dpto
	ren pe2 e1
	ren pe1b semana
	ren pe1a anio
	replace anio=`i'
	ren pe1g loc
	*como hay cuatro casos en los cuales el valor de la variable sexo es
0 se van a eliminar. Adem�s en los cuatro la edad es cero por lo cual
no tienen ingresos.n dos casos y por 2 en los otros dos.
	drop if e1==0
	*drop if e2==.
	sort dpto loc
	merge dpto loc using "D:\utiles\b85.dta", uniqusing nokeep
	replace borrar=1 if dpto==1
	drop if borrar == 0
	*union con la proyeccion y obtencion de la poblacion expandida
	gen trimestre=1
	replace trimestre=2 if inrange(semana, 13,24)
	replace trimestre=3 if inrange(semana, 25,36)
	replace trimestre=4 if semana >36
	egen agegp=cut(e2),
	label define agegp 0 "0-4" 5 "5-9" 10 "10-14" 15 "15-19" 20 "20-25"
25 "25-29" 30 "30-34" 35 "35-39" 40 "40-44" 45 "45-49" 50 "50-54" 55
"55-59" 60 "60-64" 65 "65-69" 70 "70-74" 75 "75-79" 80 "80+"
	sort e1 trimestre agegp	
	bysort e1 trimestre agegp: gen N_e1_trimestre_agegp=_N
	joinby e1 trimestre agegp using "d:\utiles\using`i'.dta",
	gen expansor = proyeccion / N_e1_trimestre_agegp
	save "d:\personas\final`i'.dta", replace
	forvalues x = 1(1)5 {
		egen y`x' = rowtotal(pg`x'?p) if pobpcoac<21
		gen e_y`x' = 3*expansor*(y`x')
		forvalues t=1(1)4 {
			egen e_y`x'`t'=total(e_y`x')if trimestre==`t'
	foreach x of numlist 1 2 {
		gen b`x' = pg`x'4p+pg`x'5p if pobpcoac<21
		gen e_b`x' = 3*expansor*(b`x')
		forvalues t=1(1)4 {
			egen e_b`x'`t'=total(e_b`x')if trimestre==`t'
	forvalues x = 1(1)5 {
		forvalues t=1(1)4 {
			egen e_y_`x'`t'=max(e_y`x'`t')
	forvalues x = 1 (1) 2 {
		forvalues t=1(1)4 {
			egen e_b_`x'`t'=max(e_b`x'`t')	
	forvalues t=1(1)4 {
		gen masa_tri_`t'_sbs=masa_tri_`t'-(e_b_1`t'+e_b_2`t')
	keep masa*
	keep in l
	gen anio=`i'
	save d:\utiles\masa`i', replace
	local i = `i' + 1


Sebasti�n Kruk.

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