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Re: st: tabsum to latex

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: tabsum to latex
Date   Sat, 9 Feb 2008 08:19:48 -0500

You might trick -estout- (SSC) into doing this, or -collapse- and use
-listtex- (SSC) or somesuch, but I would recommend writing a loop
which calculates the statistics and writes them to a text file with
-file- as in

sysuse auto, clear
ren rep78 x1
ren for x2
ren mpg x3

file open t using /tab.tex, write replace
levelsof x1, loc(l1)
levelsof x2, loc(l2)
file write t  "    & `: var label x2' \\ "
file write t  _n "`: var label x1' "
foreach c of loc l2 {
 file write t  "  & `: label `: val label x2' `c'' "
file write t " \\" _n
foreach r of loc l1 {
 file write t  "`r' &"
 foreach c of loc l2 {
  su x3 if x1==`r' & x2==`c', meanonly
  file write t " `: di %4.3g r(mean)' & "
 file write t " \\ " _n "  & "
 foreach c of loc l2 {
  su x3 if x1==`r' & x2==`c', meanonly
  file write t " `: di %4.3g r(N)' & "
 file write t " \\ " _n
file close t
type /tab.tex
tab x1 x2, sum(x3) freq mean

The above is just meant to be a quick example of what you can do with
this approach, which is completely general and can be adapted to any
need that might arise.  (I have even used it to make graphs in TeX
files using pstricks, which approach is of course quite obsolete now.)
Though if you wanted an RTF file or an XML file you would be better
off using -estout- or the -tabstatmat- plus -xml_tab- approach.

On Feb 9, 2008 12:59 AM, Carole J. Wilson <[email protected]> wrote:
> I am looking for a stata program to produce LaTeX code for a fairly
> simple table:
> .tabulate x1 x2, sum(x3) freq mean
> Ian Watson's -tabout- can produce either a cross tab with a
> frequencies or the cross tab with the mean of another variable, but
> not both (as far as I can tell).  There are other programs with
> similar limitations (only work with tabulate or tabstat) or they work
> with estimation results.
> I can also collapse the data and use tabdisp to produce the same
> table.  However, I don't see a program that writes to LaTeX the
> results of either tabsum or tabdisp.
> Have I missed a user written program that would solve my problem?
> Thanks,
> Carole
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