Nirina F <[email protected]>:
As is clear from the help file, and the examples therein, the correct syntax is
ivreg2 y $x (v1 v2=$z1 $z2)
Note that all excluded instruments in $z1 $z2 are used as exogenous
variation for all endogenous variables.
On Dec 30, 2007 4:57 AM, Nirina F <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I tried to run the following:
> ivreg2 y $x (v1=$z1) (v2=$z2) where y is the dependent variable, $x
> are the control variables, v1 is the first endogenous variable, v2 is
> the second variables and the z 's are the instruments, but it did not
> work so I was wondering if anyone knows which command should I use if
> I have two endogenous variables .
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