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st: Thx - Statalist 2007

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Thx - Statalist 2007
Date   Sun, 23 Dec 2007 13:59:16 -0200 (BRT)

Dear all,

I hope stay out of the wonderful Stata for, at least, one week

Hence, since I will not show up here before January 01, 2008, the
objective of this message is to thank you all for the time you have
dedicated not only to dozens of my questions and comments in 2007 but also
to the time spent to other thousands of questions of other statalisters
during this year. The time spent either for private questions or more
complicated problems should not be forgotten!

I am deeptly indebted to Maarten Buis, Nick Cox, Kit Baum, Ben Jann, Roy
Wada,Z urab Sajaia, Richard Gates, Austin Nichols, Svend Juul, Joseph
Coveney, Stas Kolenikov, Scott Merryman, Roger Harbord and, finally, Jeff
Pitblado (that wrote me a simple do-file, which, in turn, eventually
encouraged me to learn a little bit of Stata programming) for their
invaluable intellectual contributions, assiantance, support and generosity
(all free of charge and, in some cases, with an immediate feedback).

My best wishes for you in 2008.

Sincerely yours,

Tiago Pereira

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