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st: Using seg command to create indices

From   "Meryle Weinstein" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Using seg command to create indices
Date   Sat, 22 Dec 2007 14:51:59 -0500

I have a data file with 626 observations of school zones.  I've created a
Herfindahl measure for each zone using the following code:

gen hhi_race= (pwhite^2 + pblack^2 + phisp^2 + pasian^2)/10000

I've been trying to create similar measures for each zone using the seg
command below:

seg pblack pwhite pasian phisp, by(zonebdsi) d g c generate(d dsrace g
ginirace c coefrace) file(c:\test.dta) replace

Instead of getting a measure for each zone, I get one value for all of the
observations.  Am I doing something wrong or do I misunderstand what "seg"

Thanks for any help.  And Happy Holidays.

Meryle Weinstein
Associate Research Scientist
Institute for Education & Social Policy
New York University
82 Washington Square East, 7th floor
New York, NY 10003
(212) 998-5817
(212) 995-4564

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