I wrote:
I haven't tested this out, and so it might need a little tweaking.
The do-file below should help in any tweaking efforts. For use, substitute
"odbc" for "display in smcl as result" in the program.
Joseph Coveney
clear *
set more off
capture program drop myodbc
program define myodbc
version 10
syntax anything(everything) [, *]
capture assert "$us" == ""
if !_rc display in smcl as text "What's your user ID" _request(us)
capture assert "$pw" == ""
if !_rc display in smcl as text "What's your password" _request(pw)
if (`"`anything'"' == "list") display in smcl as result "odbc list"
else display in smcl as result ///
"odbc " `"`anything'"' ", " `"`options'"' " user($us) password($pw)"
local dsn MyDSN
local file C:/Files/My File.SQL
myodbc list
myodbc query "`dsn'", dialog(required)
myodbc describe "[My Table]", dsn("`dsn'") dialog(complete)
myodbc load here there everywhere ///
if nowhere == "nothing", table("[My Table]")
myodbc load , exec("SELECT * FROM [My Table]") dsn("`dsn'")
myodbc sqlfile("`file'"), dsn("`dsn'")
myodbc exec("SELECT a, b FROM [My Table]"), dsn("`dsn'")
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/