Unless you are working with Stata 6 or earlier, -forval- is easier than
-while- here, and indeed almost everywhere else.
Steven's code could thus go
forval i=1/100 {
scatter data301 time if countrygroup==`i'
graph export group`i'.tif, replace
In terms of the original question, rather more
general approaches to looping over groups are indicated in
FAQ Making foreach go through all values of a variable
8/05 Is there a way to tell Stata to try all values of a
particular variable in a foreach statement without
specifying them?
[email protected]
Steven Proud
Depending on how your countrygroups are defined, I've assumed that
they're 1
to 100 for instance.
local i=1
while `i'<=100 {
scatter data301 time if countrygroup==`i'
graph export group`i'.tif, replace
local i=`i'+1
This saves a graph as a tif file for all 100 country groups.
Daniel Wilde
> I have a panel dataset. I want to create simple graphs for each unit
> (called countrygroup) across time. Initially I tried -
> by countrygroup: scatter data301 time
> But Stata tells me by does not work with scatter. I then tried
> scatter data301 time, by countrygroup
> This works but Stata puts all the graphs on one page. There are over
> of them so they are too small to be useful. Is there anyway I can see
> graph on its own page? Or save them individually. Is there a command
> this. I know I could use the if function but this seems time
> P.S (I am using Stata version 8.2)
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/