tssmooth ma average28 = rain, w(28)
tssmooth ma average28_2 = rain if rain !=0, w(28)
On Dec 11, 2007 2:01 AM, Patrick Woodburn
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalist,
> I have weather data for a site in Uganda which I'm hope to compare to
> malaria data. My rainfall data is a single variable, sorted by date,
> with no missing data, along the following lines:
> date rainfall (ml)
> 01jan2003 12.7
> 02jan2003 3.0
> ...
> 31jun2007 1.3
> I would like to make four new variables for each date. Two to represent
> the total rainfall across the previous 28 days and across the previous
> 84 days, and two to represent the total number of days on which
> rainfall>0 out of the previous 28 or 84 days. Could someone suggest
> how best to do this?
> Best regards,
> Patrick
> *
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