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st: Regarding date format and Repeated count

From   "Mr. Arup Kumar Das" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Regarding date format and Repeated count
Date   Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:49:53 +0530

Dear statalist,

I have following queries

1. Date Format: My date format is dd-mm-yyyy in the (%16s)and some time
(%20s). I have used stata transfer to transfer data from excel. How can I
get the format as 'mm-YY'(Forexample: Mar-07).

2. Repeated count: If the clients visits the center for same services more
than one times during a reporting period (month, quarter etc). How can I can
I calculate
	 a. number of individuals visited for same services &
	 b. number of visits for the same service.

Looking forward for your suggestion


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