Eva has already given you very good advice. What does "not working"
mean in your case? You do not say.
Your program can be simplified as follows:
prog stcmd
version 9
shell "C:\Program Files\StatTransfer9\st" `0'
because although you define a local macro called -stpath-
you never use it.
Thus your program will call up StatTransfer9 if (and only if)
on your machine there is a batch file or executable named
st.bat or st.exe in C:\Program Files\StatTransfer9. It will
then pass it whatever arguments you feed to -stcmd-.
If you pass it no arguments it will probably do nothing, but
I am guessing. I have not used StatTransfer for about 15 years
and have no copy to experiment with.
Only you can tell us what is your set-up and what you are
giving as arguments to -stcmd-, but you don't specify either.
You are asking us to debug a problem that is mostly hidden
to us.
Josiane Georges
I am trying to use stcmd.ado to run Stat Transfer directly in Stata, but it is not working. I've tried to use what I found in the FAQ, but it did not work. I have modified the standard stcmd.ado file to read the following:
#delim ;
prog def stcmd;
version 9.0;
�Run the Stat/Transfer st command
�with parameters and switches supplied by the user.
*!Author: Roger Newson
*!Date: 04 June 2007
local stpath `"$StatTransfer_path"';
if `"`stpath'"'=="" {;
� local stpath "st";
shell "C:\Program Files\StatTransfer9\st" `0' ;
Any have and ideas on how to fix the ado file?
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/