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st: RE: Using weight in summarize command

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Using weight in summarize command
Date   Wed, 5 Dec 2007 22:16:10 -0000

. help summarize
. summarize wage [aw=weight] 

[email protected]

I am new to stata user list. I want to use weight in summarize command.
Basically my question is this: Here is I have wage and weight for each
observation. I want to calculate statistics using weight like weghted
mean, S.E. etc. I will appreciate if some one help me to know how to use
weight in summarize command.

wage	 	weight
2000		37.40294
15000		37.0777
715		37.40294
16000		36.92306
5100		36.92306
18079		36.92306
15638		36.92306
40000		37.0777
7500		36.92306

The weighted mean should be 13315.55.

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