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st: Missing standard error and confidence intervall for a dummy

From   "georg wernicke" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Missing standard error and confidence intervall for a dummy
Date   Fri, 10 Aug 2007 11:36:16 +0100

Hello Statalist,

I have used a heckman twostep selection process. After employing the
test I get 2 tables, the selection and the regression table. What
puzzles me, that in the one of the tables STATA gives me the
coefficient but does not report a standard error, confidence intervall
and the z value for a dummy but does so in the other regression table.

I could not figure out what the problem might be, does anybody know
any help? Also does that mean that I cannot interpret the

Thank you for your help

With kind regards,

Georg Wernicke
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