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Re: st: Re: RE: Special character in a plot's legend
I like your tweak of the grid and also an offlist suggestion from Kit Baum
about reversing the yscale which I added to by swapping the x and y to make
the resulting graph read from left to right and top to bottom. Here's the
revised graph command:
twoway scatter x y , msymbol(i) mlab(ascii) ///
mlabpos(0) mlabsize(large) ///
xlabel(0(1)9 , nogrid notick) xmticks(-0.5(1)9.5 , grid) ///
ylabel(3(1)25 , nogrid notick angle(h)) ymticks(2.5(1)25.5 , grid) ///
yscale(reverse) ytitle("First Digit(s) of ASCII Code") ///
xtitle("Last Digit") ysize(6) xsize(4) plotregion(margin(zero))
I like the lean schemes to and use my own variant on my machine, but think
that it might be best to let people use their own scheme and just make sure
that the ylabels are horizontal. I plan to submit this to SSC as soon as I
can write up a help file.
Michael Blasnik
----- Original Message -----
From: "Svend Juul" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: st: Re: RE: Special character in a plot's legend
Michael's graph is a beauty. I think, however, that the
following is even prettier.
set obs 223
gen asciin=_n+32
gen ascii=char(asciin)
gen x=int(asciin/10)
gen y=mod(asciin,10)
set scheme lean1 // ( -findit lean scheme- )
twoway scatter y x , msymbol(i) ///
mlab(ascii) mlabpos(0) mlabsize(large) ///
ylabel(0(1)9 , nogrid notick) ymticks(-0.5(1)9.5 , grid) ///
xlabel(3(1)25 , nogrid notick) xmticks(2.5(1)25.5 , grid) ///
xtitle("First Digit(s) of ASCII Code") ///
ytitle("Last Digit") ///
xsize(6) ysize(4) plotregion(margin(zero))
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
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