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Re: st: xtlogit RE on Stata 7 vs Stata 9

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: xtlogit RE on Stata 7 vs Stata 9
Date   Thu, 16 Nov 2006 22:07:27 -0500

At 09:22 PM 11/16/2006, Regina T. Riphahn wrote:

I have a dataset and run xtlogit with RE in Stata 9. Then I save the data as a Stata7 dataset using saveold and run xtlogit with RE under Stata 7. The two xtlogit results differ.

The two data summaries are identical in Stata 7 and Stata 9. The results of a simple logit (without xt) are also identical.

My questions are:
(1) why do the results differ and
(2) can I obtain the Stata 9 results with the Stata 7 software?
I don't really know, but according to -help version-, if you set version to less than 9

Commands xtintreg, xtlogit, xtprobit, xtcloglog, xtpoisson, and xttobit revert to using nonadaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature rather than adaptive quadrature. In addition, option quad() (modern name intpoints()) comes back to life.

So, in Stata 9, you might try something like version 7:xtlogit... and see if you get the same results as version 7. Or, alternatively, see if version 7 lets you use nonadaptive Gauss-Hermite quadrature.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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