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Re: st: RE: Outputting formatted data to file
Steffen Hokland <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: RE: Outputting formatted data to file
Mon, 9 Oct 2006 12:28:46 +0200
Having to convert a real to a string to convert that back to real in
order to format the output seems a bit unelegant if not even
unaesthetic. I'd 'prefer' if you wish to just:Why do you call it extremely unaesthetic?
write file foo_handle %9.5g `a_real_parameter'
write file foo_handle %10s `a_string'
but yes I agree that 'if it works don't fix it'.
[email protected]
Steffen Hokland
I'm trying to output some results to a file in formatted style.
However, it seems the only way to do this straight away is to use
binary in stead of ascii. My working but extreemly unaesthetical
solution has been this:
for strings:
file write slope_values %20s (trim("Intercept +OXi"))
for scalars:
file write slope_values %20.3f (real(string(`intercept_wOXi')))
There has to be a better way. I've been able to dig up something
about a function called 'macval()', but I haven't been able to find
anything about it in the help files (search and help doesn't turn up
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Steffen Lund Hokland, MSc.
PhD Student
The MR-Research Centre
Institute of Clinical Medicine
Aarhus University Hospital
Skejby Hospital
DK-8200 Aarhus
Phone Office : +45 89495264
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