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Re: st: import SPSS files

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: import SPSS files
Date   Wed, 5 Jul 2006 00:07:35 +0100 (BST)

Peggy Chrisman wrote:

> I have received several SPSS files. I do not have SPSS nor do I have the
> Stata file transfer program. I tried following the suggestions from the
> help file using infile, insheet, etc, but have not been able to transfer
> the files into Stata thus far. There must be a way to import these
> files, but I can't seem to do it. Thanks in advance for any assistance.

You obviously didn't look at -whelp insheet- close enough! Had you done,
you'll have noticed there are two rather neat options for -insheet-: -tab-
and -comma-. For instance, try this:

(1) make sure that your SPSS file is comma-delimited (easy enough,
    especially when (re-)opening the .sav file in SPSS as I recall);

(2) move what should now be your .csv file into "C:/data", where all your
    Stata .dta files ought to be (if not, why not?);


(3) open up Stata and type -insheet using file.csv, comma-.

More details on this and how to convert datafiles from other formats into
Stata (and back again) are available at

There, you'll learn something quite important. The UCLA-ATS crew don't
make this explicit, although Michael Blasnik did in a post to this list a
couple of years back: Stata doesn't care where the file comes from: it
only cares about what format it comes in! Your SPSS file could just as
well have originated from MS Excel or Epidata. Once it's told the
_format_, it can ably do the rest.

Hope that helps.

CLIVE NICHOLAS        |t: 0(044)7903 397793
Politics              |e: [email protected]
Newcastle University  |

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