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st: How to combine 2 variables with same outcome (yes, no) into 2 values in a new variable

From   buddyb <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: How to combine 2 variables with same outcome (yes, no) into 2 values in a new variable
Date   Fri, 23 Jun 2006 09:39:25 -0700 (PDT)

I am using STATA 8.0

I have asked 115 respondents two different questions:

Q1. Rate the importance of your health: Not important,
Somewhat Important, Very Important

Q2.  Rate the importance of your income: Not
important, Somewhat Important, Very Important
And got the following responses:
	       NotImp(N)  SomeImp(S)  VeryImp(V)
vHealth(A)	49	      31		35
vIncome(B)	63	      32		20
Right now I only have 2 variables: vHEALTH  vIncome. I
am trying to figure out how to generate 2 new
variables (TYPE SCORE).  Type would have two
values...Health Income.  Score would have 3
values....NotImp SomeImp VeryImp. 

In the end I would like to do a tabulate TYPE SCORE
(to get %).  In order for tabulate to work, I need to
create 2 variables:  SCORE & TYPE.  Score has values
of N S V. Type has values of A B.

I would need to generate 230 responses for my two
values as follows:

                         TYPE       SCORE
         Resp 1..49       A           N    
         Resp 50..112     B           N (63 responses)
         Resp 113-142     A           S (31 responses)
         Resp 143-174     B           S (32 responses)
         Resp 175-209     A           V (35 responses)
         Resp 210-230     B           V (20 responses)

Anyone have any idea how to do this...or what I'm
talking about???  


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