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st: RE: stcmd on Stata for Mac OS X?

From   "Pierre Azoulay" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: RE: stcmd on Stata for Mac OS X?
Date   Wed, 21 Jun 2006 23:51:01 -0400

Thanks to Nick for his post. I thnk I answered my own question, but my
hack might be useful to other Mac Users. As it turns out, the
stcmd.ado installed by the PC version of stat/transfer can easily be
modified to work on a mac. Here is the program:
#delim ;
prog def stcmd;
version 6.0;
Run the Stat/Transfer st command
with parameters and switches supplied by the user.
Author: Roger Newson
Date: 12 November 2000

*shell "C:\Program Files\StatTransfer8\st" `0' ;
shell /Applications/StatTransfer/st.command `0' ;


The only thing to note is that statements like

stcmd essai.xls stata/se essai.dta /y /t

will need to be modified to read:

stcmd essai.xls stata/se essai.dta -y -t

The ability to Stat/Transfer files from within stata is certainly
convenient. Once you start relying on it, it will be hard to give up!


Pierre Azoulay
Associate Professor of Management
Columbia University                           Phone: (212) 854-9684
Graduate School of Business                Fax:   Don't send any
3022 Broadway, Uris Hall 704
New York, NY 10023              
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