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st: RE: RE: Remove the "more" button on the Results Window?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Remove the "more" button on the Results Window?
Date   Wed, 14 Jun 2006 07:56:33 +0100

I have a totally different solution. 

Instead of 50 or so -recode- commands (not functions)
in your .do file (not program), use a single -mvencode- 
command on the list of variables in question. 

Alternatively, just use -run-. 

[email protected] 

Riano, Juanita
> Type at the beginning of your do file
> set more off 

Jeff Rosen
> I'm a new Stata user and I apologize if this was asked 
> previously, but I
> didn't see it in the archive. I am writing a -do- program and many of
> the lines uses the -recode _all- function to change all the missing
> observations into zeros. The problem that I am facing is that I have
> 1000's of observations and 100's of variables. When I run the 
> line, the results window requires that I click the "more" button in 
> order for the
> program to continue. I have about 50 of these -recode- functions in my
> -do- file along with about 700 other lines of code. I would 
> rather just
> have the program run without me having to sit there and click 
> the "more" button constantly. 
> Is there away for the results window to just continuously scroll until
> the end of the program?

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