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st: NO attachments please

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: NO attachments please
Date   Fri, 28 Apr 2006 13:17:08 +0100

The Statalist FAQ is totally explicit. 

In section 2.2, 

"We ask you not to post formatted messages or attachments. 
In fact, Statalist software may trap these formatted 
messages or attachments without sending an error message 
to you. Please make sure that your mailer is set to "Plain 
Text" for outgoing messages (or the equivalent for your 
mailer); that is, do not send HTML, Rich Text, VCards, 
winmail.dat files, other attachments, or anything other 
than Plain Text." 

And again in section 3. 

"Please do not include attachments. Many members have 
mailers that cannot handle them. In any case, attachments can 
spread viruses and clog up mailers with unwanted large files."

If anyone has any suggestions about how this could made
clearer, do please let me know. 

[email protected] 

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