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st: using results of -sts list- (life tables)

From   "David Winter" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: using results of -sts list- (life tables)
Date   Wed, 26 Apr 2006 18:15:56 +0100

Firstly, thanks to Austin Nichols for his response to my Cumulative
Risk/Life tables query.

This follows the same basic theme.  I have 1341 records in a cohort of
which 41 suffer a second cancer.  I  have calculated a value using date
of entry to risk and date of exit (or second cancer), exit-entry, in
years (/365.25) and stored as a variable 'intvlexityrs'.  The censor
variable (existence of a second cancer) is a variable 'censvar'

I then -stset- the data:

stset intvlexityrs, failure(censvar)

-sts list- then produces an extensive life table as you would expect.
So I use at() as required.  For each year:

-sts list, at(0(1)49)-

All records enter at time 0.  The last observed exit is 48.19712.

I was asked if it was possible to store the resulting values from this
revised life table as variables, i.e. Time, Beg. Total, Fail, Survivor
function, Std. Error and 95% Confidence intervals.  I was not sure of
the answer.  Can -sts generate- provide what I want?  A working example
or a push in the right direction would be most useful.



Mr David L. Winter, HNC
I.T. Manager (BCCSS Study)
Department of Public Health & Epidemiology
Room 105, Public Health Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
tel.: +44 (0)121 414 6766
fax.: +44 (0)121 414 7923

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