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Re: Re: st: if you use ESTOUT or OUTREG for exporting stata outoutthen you should try out XML_TAB as well

From   "Zurab Sajaia" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: Re: st: if you use ESTOUT or OUTREG for exporting stata outoutthen you should try out XML_TAB as well
Date   Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:25:05 -0400


there is xml_tab_options.txt file containing the path to excel.exe and style definitions, if it is missing then xml_tab.ado recreates is again (the lines you've changed) but once file is there, options are read from it, so you should change the path in xml_tab_options.txt file (or just delete it and it will be saved again by ado with your new path) Changing the txt file is better for future though, because you can add your own styles in there also in addition to those few built-in ones.

And for future clarification, I'll add an extra note in the error message once excel.exe not found to clarify where the path is stored.

Zurab *
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