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st: RE: significance in graph ..thanks

From   "Rajesh Tharyan" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: significance in graph ..thanks
Date   Thu, 6 Apr 2006 17:23:27 +0100

Thanks maarten


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Maarten buis
Sent: 05 April 2006 21:12
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: significance in graph (was: st: Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 20:19:27

One way I like is to add confidence intervals around the estimates. I you
want to do that than you
could have a look at Roger Newson's -eclplot- and other associated commands.
Roger Newson has a
prepublication draft of his article in Stata Journal on how to use these
programs on his website. 

Another thing you could do is make a line graph and graph a second line on
top for only the
significant results which is a lot thicker, or do a scatter plot where you
plot the
non-significant with open symbols and the significant ones with closed
symbols. I've shown that in
the example below.


*-------------begin example------------
input time perc sig
-80	-0.02   .
-70	-0.01   .
-60	-0.04   . 
-50	-0.05   .
-40	-0.05   .
-30	-0.07   -0.07
-20	-0.07   -0.07
-10	-0.16   -0.16
-5	-0.19   -0.19
-3	-0.17   -0.17
-2	-0.21   -0.21
-1	-0.27   -0.27
 0	 0.09    0.09
 1	 0.22    0.22
 2	 0.09    0.09
 3	 0.08    0.08
 5	 0.05    0.05
 10	 0.04   .
 20	 0.02   .
 30	-0.01   .
 40     -0.03   .
 50	 0.02   .

twoway line perc time, lwidth(thin)  || /*
    */ line sig time, lstyle(p1) lwidth(thick)

twoway scatter perc time if sig==. || /*
    */ scatter sig time, msymbol(O)
*-------------end example----------------

--- Rajesh Tharyan <[email protected]> wrote:
> Say I have a table which looks like this the *** shows the values which
> significant. Of course I can plot the percentages against time. Is there
> someway to highlight the significant values in the graph...Say for example
> by changing the size of the symbols only for the significant values.
> Time	percentage	
> -80	-0.02% 	
> -70	-0.01%	
> -60	-0.04%	
> -50	-0.05%	
> -40	-0.05%	
> -30	-0.07%***
> -20	-0.07%***
> -10	-0.16%***
> -5	-0.19%***
> -3	-0.17%***
> -2	-0.21%***
> -1	-0.27%***
>  0	 0.09%***
>  1	 0.22%***
>  2	 0.09%***
>  3	 0.08%***
>  5	 0.05%***
>  10	 0.04%	
>  20	 0.02%	
>  30	-0.01%	
>  40   -0.03%	
>  50	 0.02%	

Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

visiting adress:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z214

+31 20 5986715

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