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Re: st: Hierarchical Regression

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Hierarchical Regression
Date   Tue, 14 Feb 2006 19:07:26 -0500

At 05:53 PM 2/14/2006, Kyle Girten wrote:
I was curious if the "Hireg" command was truly for a hierarchical
regression model, where strength is borrowed from the 1st model within
the second model.  I was under the impression from doing web searches
on Hireg that this command simply yields two distinct regression
models, and the only utility is for convenient comparison of

Am I off on this?  Anyone know of a work-around?
I believe that is a pretty accurate description of -hireg-, and also of the new Stata 9 prefix command that was inspired by it, -nestreg-. I am not clear on what it is you want instead so I'm afraid I can't add to that. (Are you maybe talking about hierarchical linear modeling, where, say, you have students nested within classrooms nested within school districts, or something like that?)

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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