Miguel Portela ([email protected]) reports
> I am using the command 'recode' combined with 'min' and an 'if'
> condition. When the 'if' condition is not met for at least one
> observation the recoded variable is replaced with missings. The
> following example shows the problem:
> ...
Miguel is correct; we have reproduced this bug and found that it
was introduced as an unintended side-effect of the change to -recode-
made in the 12dec2005 ado update (see -help whatsnew- for details
on that change).
We will fix -recode- in the next ado update.
In the meantime, a short-term workaround for Miguel is to rename
'recode.ado' in his Stata UPDATES directory. Miguel should type
. which recode
which will report something like
. which recode
C:\Program Files\Stata9\ado\updates\r\recode.ado
*! version 3.5.0 23nov2005
If that is the version number Miguel sees, then he can
rename that file using his operating system from 'recode.ado'
to 'recode.old'. After that, -which recode- should report the
location of the originally-installed recode.ado, and the
behavior Miguel reported should go away:
. which recode
C:\Program Files\Stata9\ado\base\r\recode.ado
*! version 3.4.8 24may2004
([email protected])
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