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st: suest for intreg

From   Bart Vanneste <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: suest for intreg
Date   Thu, 29 Dec 2005 14:36:15 +0100


Is it possible to use suest for intreg when some of the intervals are 
not bounded (i.e. < -&#8734; , a] or [b, &#8734; > )?

I am trying to test differences in coefficients across two intreg 
models. In both models I have censored data, i.e. only a maximum or 
minimum value is specified.

When using suest I get the following error message:
“Score variables for model X contain missing values”

Even though suest seems possible when using intreg, see example:

suest requires the predict, score option to give non-missing values, 
so I guess that’s where it goes wrong.

Any solutions to work around it, or suggestions how to test 
differences in coefficients differently?

Many thanks,
Bart Vanneste

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