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st: RE: RE: RE: Calculating the changing proportion of a population with a certain property over time

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: RE: Calculating the changing proportion of a population with a certain property over time
Date   Mon, 12 Dec 2005 23:02:54 -0000

That's clearer. Thanks. 

Given the one-way ticket, you just need 
by monitor first occurrences. 

The first occurrence is the only time 
that each individual's cumulative sum of -prop- is 
1. Before that it is always 0; afterwards 
2 or more. 

bysort id (time) : gen first = sum(prop) == 1 

Then we just track the number of first 
occurrences as a function of time. 

bysort first (time) : gen sumprop = sum(first) 
line sumprop time if first 

I am not clear that you need to fill in all
the times, but that could be done. 

[email protected] 

Steinar Fossedal
> Thanks Nick, 
> however I suspect the -egen- command you mention would only calculate
> generate the means for observations with a record at the specific time
> step. If I could make it calculate the mean using the lowest time step
> equal to or above the step we're trying to calculate, it 
> would solve my
> problem though (the property is sticky, it's a one-way ticket). I know
> MS Excel has options for this using -vlookup/hlookup-, but the dataset
> won't fit in Excel.
> -lowess- could be usable if it smoothed over time intervals instead of
> records, but I can't see how to make it do so.
> The typical structure of my data is something like
> ID	Time	prop
> 1	1	0
> 1	2	0
> 1	4	0
> 1	5	0
> 1	6	1
> 1	60	1
> 2	1	0
> 2	2	0
> 2	3	1
> 2	48	1
> Notice the jumps in timespan. Smoothing within a window of records
> instead of time would produce quite different results - unless, of
> course, I could somehow add the extra records (from 10 
> through 59 for ID
> 1 in the example). This would solve the problems using -egen- 
> too. From
> the example above, the result I'm looking for would be something like
> Time	Sumprop
> 1	0
> 2	0
> 3	1
> 4	1
> 5	1
> 6	2
> ...
> 60	2

Nick Cox

> Create a variable 
> gen is_one = prop == 1 
> and
> lowess is_one time 
> egen mean_is_one = mean(is_one), by(time) 
> etc. 
> Nick 
> [email protected] 
> Steinar Fossedal
> > I have a survival time dataset with customer information, and 
> > I want to
> > create a plot which shows the proportion of the population with a
> > certain nominal property as it changes over time. Thus I 
> would like to
> > calculate the number of customers with the property at each 
> time, and
> > divide it to the number of total customers (or customers 
> with another
> > interesting property). Since there is not a record at each 
> time t for
> > every customer, I can't simply calculate it from the 
> records directly.
> > (- count if prop==1 & time==9 - would miss customers which got the
> > property at time 8)
> > 
> > Any suggestions as to how I can do this? I played with the idea to
> > create records for all time intervals, but I can't seem to 
> > find an easy
> > way to duplicate observations either.

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