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st: count across variables and obs

From   Aaron <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: count across variables and obs
Date   Thu, 1 Dec 2005 17:49:14 -0600

Hello all,

I have the following dataset:

DV  	v1  v2	v3

1	A1  A2
1   	B2  A1	C1
1   	B1
1   	B1
2	A1
2	A1  A2
3  	B1  B2	B3
4  	C1  B2	B3
4  	B1  C1	C2
5  	B1  B2	A1
5	C1  A2

I want to calculate a measure similar to the Herfindl-Hirshman Index
(HHI). For example, for 1 of DV, there are 7 strings (A1, A2; B2, A1,
C1; B1; B1) in 3 variables (v1, v2, v3), associated with DV-1. The HHI
measure = sum(square(# of each string)) / square(sum(# of each
string)). Therefore, For DV-1, because there are 2 A1's, 1 A2, 2 B1's,
1 B2, and 1 C1, HHI=(2^2+1^2+2^2+1^2+1^2) / (2+1+2+1+1)^2=11/49.

What I did is to reshape the dataset as follows and then use -gen- and
-egen-. Is there any way to do this without reshaping the
dataset--that is, is there any better way to calculate the measure
across variables and observations? Thanks in advance.  Aaron

DV  	v_all
1	A1
1   	B2
1   	B1
1   	B1
2	A1
2	A1
3  	B1
4  	C1
4  	B1
5  	B1
5	C1
1	A2
1   	A1
2	A2
3  	B2
4  	B2
4  	C1
5  	B2
5	A2
1   	C1
3  	B3
4  	B3
4  	C2
5  	A1

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