I am comparing the blood pressure between two groups by means of
multivariable regression. This is the regression model:
.xi: regress BP i.age*group i.sex*group
"BP" is bloodpressure
"group" is coded as 0 (group A) and 1 (group B)
Maarten Buis has kindly shown me how I should stratify the group results
by age (based on this model .xi:reg BP i.age*group i.sex):
.tab age, gen(age)
.forvalues i = 1/10 { /*assuming you have 10 age categories*/
.gen age`I'Xgroup=age`i'*group
.xi reg BP i.age i.sex age1Xgroup-age10Xgroup
And this works fine (thanks Maarten)
But how do I stratify the variable 'group' also for 'sex' AND age?
I want to now the regression coefficient of variable group, by age and
I hope this is clear. Thanks.
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