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st: Help with graph bar

From   "Mosca, Ilaria" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Help with graph bar
Date   Wed, 30 Nov 2005 10:34:13 +0100

Dear Statalisters,

I have five different variables (calculated as percentages), and namely:
the % of the population living within 15 minutes distance from a
hospital, the % of population living within 30 minutes distance from a
hospital, ... within 45 min..., ... within 60 min..., and over 60 min.

The hospitals are classified into 5 categories, like general hospital,
university hospital, and so forth.

I would like to draw a graph bar showing the percentages of the
population "w\in15 w\in30 w\in45 w\in60 over60 minutes" as the yvars for
the different five categories of hospitals.

I typed in the following command:
Graph bar w\in15 w\in30 w\in45 w\in60 over60, perc by (category)
But I get an error report saying that the option by is not allowed. What
is the right command?

Moreover, I have some further questions:
1. Being the vbs w\in15 w\in30 w\in45 w\in60 over60 already percentages,
should I specify anyway the option per? Alternatively, should I use the
"original" values and let stata calculate the percentages while drawing
the graph?
2. Is there any other graph I could use for this purpose?

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

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